Two weeks have now passed since our our world in America began to be turned upside down. First, it was the NBA, then the unthinkable….March Madness was cancelled. I couldn’t believe it. “Are we over-reacting? How can they cancel college basketball? It can’t get any bigger than that.” Man was I wrong. But seriously, did anyone expect this? 

In a matter of two weeks, nothing is “normal.” Much of what we once considered as guaranteed is gone, at least temporarily. Both small plans and big plans, like my friend’s wedding and even the Olympics, have now been cancelled. Even more, almost all of us are experiencing the social and physiological challenges that come with the quarantine, or lockdown in most cities. In some way, everybody is experiencing disappointment, loss, and uncertainty. 

And what about our fears in a time like this? Most of us are asking the questions for ourselves or our families, “how is this going to impact our health, our finances, our future?” 

The emotions many are feeling in this situation are predictable. The questions many are asking are legitimate. The fears and anxieties that you are feeling make sense.

So where is God in this crazy time? How does faith practically impact our lives in times like these? What does the Bible have to say about what we may be feeling or the fears that we are experiencing? 

Maybe some of y’all have asked those questions, or maybe you’ve just thought them. As I have thought through them, and tried to answer them, I have been reminded of something awesome about God and the Bible; that no matter what the circumstances are, no matter how crazy or unique the situation is, God is able to speak directly into each of them and guide me through them. 

So in the midst of difficult social distancing, chaotic change, and legitimate dangers and concerns from the COVID-19, let’s examine God’s heart and discover His path to joy and peace. 

"Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. 

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me - put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.”  - Philippians 4:4-9


"Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!”  - Philippians 4:4

The author simply tells us to rejoice. He is reminding you, that if you have a relationship with God in Jesus Christ, God assures us that we are never without reason to be joyful. 

The gospel is the news about Jesus Christ. It includes who he is, what he accomplished in his life, his death for our sins, his resurrection where he defeated death and sin, and his invitation to trust him and the promises that he gives to those that are following him. In this, God gives us a hope and joy that rises above all circumstances around us.

Don’t Be Anxious….About Anything. 

“Do not be anxious about anything” - Philippians 4:6

Think about that for a moment, Paul is saying, do not be anxious about anything going on in your life…anything! 

That command is hard for me, especially in times like these. 

My parents are in their mid-sixties and both of my siblings have fairly serious pre-existing conditions, which means that COVID-19 could be threatening to all of them. Personally, this has been causing me to feel anxious at times. 

Some may feel a similar source of fear for themselves or others. Others might be experiencing anxiety from the unknown about the future and questions regarding finances, summer internship or job plans, the stress of doing school at home, and distance from friends, etc…it seems like more than ever, there are consistent reasons to become anxious.

Paul’s desire is that we should live free from fear and anxiety. He teaches us that no matter what the circumstance is, we don’t have to be anxious. However, Paul knows that almost all of us will regularly face circumstances that tempt us to live with fears and anxieties. Thankfully, he gives us a battle plan of what to do with the fears and anxieties once we experience them. 

Bring Your Fear/Anxieties To God In Prayer.

“But in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” - Philippians 4:6-7

Not all fears are irrational. However, there are no fears or anxieties that God intends for you to bear alone. In the moment fear comes or anxiety begins to well up in our stomach and brain, God asks us to stop, breath, and bring our fears before Him through prayer. 

In prayer, we have the freedom and privilege to invite the God of the universe into our circumstances and fear, where e alone has the strength to bear them, and the power and wisdom to act. 

1 Peter 5:7 tells us to, “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.” 

No matter how big or real they are, we can bring our anxieties to God anywhere and at anytime. We can trust he cares for us because he proved it by defeating our biggest fear and biggest problem, death and sin, on the cross. Therefore, we can trust him with all things in our lives. 

Though we can pray at anytime, bringing our fears to God early in the day can be practical and helpful. After spending a few minutes reading the Bible in the morning, pull out a piece of paper or a journal. Write down a few sentences of how you are feeling and invite God into your circumstance, with specific requests (petitions) asking God to move. 

And God makes a promise to us when we do this.

“And the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” - Philippians 4:7

God is not only faithful to answer our prayers, but also wants to bring peace into our lives.

Remember What Is True About God

“Finally brothers, whatever is true…think about such things.” - Philippians 4:8

While “Do not be afraid” is the most repeated command in all the Bible, appearing 365 times, it is almost always connected with teachings and promises describing who God is. 

When I have an accurate belief in who God is and his character, fears begin to shrink by comparison. 

So who is God? 

God is…

Sovereign: He is on the throne, he is in control, nothing surprises him - Eph 1:11

All-Powerful: He can do anything, nothing is impossible - Matt 19:26

Omniscient: Knows everything  - Proverbs 15:3

All-Wise: He Understands & Acts perfectly - Romans - 16:27

Immanent: He is near to us, present, and active - Jer. 23:23-24

Faithful, Perfect, and Just - Duet 32:4

Our Deliverer: He delivers us out of or through hard things - Exodus 6:6

Our Shepherd: He will guide us, protect us, and provide for us - Psalms 23

Our Life, our Strength, and our Energy - John 14:6, Phil 4:13, Col 1:28

Our Rock Forever - Isaiah 26:4

Really consider this, who God is. What would be the result in my life, and what would happen in my anxiety, if I actually believed God is who he promises he is? 

There was a time when Jesus was asking Peter, one of his followers, to step out in faith and to walk on water. And Peter did it. As long as his eyes were focused on Jesus, he was above the water and everything was fine. However, when Peter began to take his eyes off of God in front of him and shifted his eyes to the waves crashing all around him, he began to sink. In a similar way, with everything going on in our world, with all of the changes in our lives, we can be overwhelmed with waves around us. 

But these moments are opportunities to trust God. Let’s take our eyes off of ourselves and the circumstances around us, and set our eyes on God. Let us trust God in prayer, and believe God really is everything he promises. 

“You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you.” - Isaiah 26:3 

God’s promised character, not changing the circumstances for the better, is the source of peace for those who trust in him. 

Walk Forward With God

Finally, the answer to anxiety is not a plan, but a person!

“And the God of peace will be with you.” Philippians 4:9b

God doesn’t promise to hear our prayers and act from thousands of miles away. No. 

The God of peace wants to draw near. He wants to step right into our circumstances and walk alongside us. It is our privilege and responsibility to invite him in.

When fear or anxiety hits, stop. Breathe. Rejoice in what God has done. Remember who he is, and pray. In this, God promises that you will not only receive his peace, but his presence.


