Must Know Stories of the Bible: 90 day challenge

The Bible is a story. God’s story. And He gave it to us to know Him personally and how He works in the world and our lives! But, do you feel like you’re missing pieces of the story? Have ever wondered how we were created, or why? How evil came into the world? Stories of God’s consistent faithfulness to His people through history? Watch your faith grow as you read these must know stories of the Bible!

Read one Day at a time, a couple of Days at a time or one story at a time. as you read these passages, reflect on these questions:

  • What do you learn about God?

  • Is there a sin to avoid?

  • Is there a promise to claim?

  • What character qualities do you see in these people’s lives?

  • Did they go against the grain of culture in any way?

  • Whom did these people influence and how?

  • What life lessons do you take away from these Scriptures?

  • What will you do differently as a result of what you’ve read?

Day 51: Exodus 5 (Moses)

Day 52: Exodus 6 (Moses)

Day 53: Exodus 7 (Moses- Plagues)

Day 54: Exodus 8 (Moses- Plagues)

Day 55: Exodus 9 (Moses- Plagues)

Day 56: Exodus 10 (Moses- Plagues)

Day 57: Exodus 11 (Moses- Plagues)

Day 58: Exodus 12:1-30 (Moses- Plagues)

Day 59: Exodus 12:31-51 (Moses- Parting of the Red Sea)

Day 60: Exodus 13 (Moses- Parting of the Red Sea)

Day 61: Exodus 14 (Moses- Parting of the Red Sea)

Day 62: Exodus 15:21 (Moses- Parting of the Red Sea)

Day 63: Exodus 34 (Death of Moses)

Day 64: Joshua 1-2 (Joshua & the Spies)

Day 65: Judges 13 (Samson)

Day 66: Judges 14 (Samson)

Day 67: Judges 15 (Samson)

Day 68: Judges 16 (Samson)

Day 69: Ruth 1 (Ruth)

Day 70: Ruth 2 (Ruth)

Day 71: Ruth 3 (Ruth)

Day 72: Ruth 4 (Ruth)

Day 73: 1 Samuel 17 (David & Goliath)

Day 74: 2 Samuel 11-12 (David & Bathsheba)

Day 75: 1 Kings 18 (Elijah & Baal)

Day 76: Ester 1 (Esther)

Day 77: Ester 2 (Esther)

Day 78: Ester 3 (Esther)

Day 79: Ester 4 (Esther)

Day 80: Ester 5 (Esther)

Day 81: Ester 6 (Esther)

Day 82: Ester 7 (Esther)

Day 83: Ester 8 (Esther)

Day 84: Ester 9 (Esther)

Day 85: Ester 10 (Esther)

Day 86: Daniel 1-2 (Daniel)

Day 87: Daniel 3 (Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego)

Day 88: Daniel 6 (Daniel & the Lion’s Den)

Day 89: Jonah 1 (Jonah)

Day 90: Jonah 2 (Jonah)

Day 91: Jonah 3 (Jonah)

Day 92: Jonah 4 (Jonah)

Day 93: Acts 1-2 (The Beginning of the New Church)

Day 94: Acts 4 (Peter & John Before the Sanhedrin)

Day 95: Acts 8:1-3, 9:1-31 (Saul Becoming Paul)

Day 1: Genesis 1 (Creation)

Day 2: Genesis 2 (Creation)

Day 3: Genesis 3 (The Fall)

Day 4: Genesis 4 (Cain & Able)

Day 5: Genesis 5 (The Flood)

Day 6: Genesis 6 (The Flood)

Day 7: Genesis 7 (The Flood)

Day 8: Genesis 8 (The Flood)

Day 9: Genesis 9 (The Flood)

Day 10: Genesis 11:1-9 (The Tower of Babel)

Day 11: Genesis 11:10-11:32 (Abraham)

Day 12: Genesis 12 (Abraham)

Day 13: Genesis 13 (Abraham)

Day 14: Genesis 14 (Abraham)

Day 15: Genesis 15 (Abraham)

Day 16: Genesis 16 (Abraham)

Day 17: Genesis 17 (Abraham)

Day 18: Genesis 18 (Abraham)

Day 19: Genesis 19 (Abraham)

Day 20: Genesis 20 (Abraham)

Day 21: Genesis 21 (Abraham)

Day 22: Genesis 22:1-19 (Abraham & Isaac)

Day 23: Genesis 23 (Death of Sarah)

Day 24: Genesis 24 (Isaac & Rebekah)

Day 25: Genesis 25:1-18 (Death of Abraham)

Day 26: Genesis 25:19-34, 27 (Jacob & Esau)

Day 27: Genesis 28 (Jacob)

Day 28: Genesis 29 (Jacob)

Day 29: Genesis 30 (Jacob)

Day 30: Genesis 31 (Jacob)

Day 31: Genesis 32 (Jacob)

Day 32: Genesis 33 (Jacob)

Day 33: Genesis 35 (Jacob)

Day 34: Genesis 37 (Joseph)

Day 35: Genesis 39 (Joseph)

Day 36: Genesis 40 (Joseph)

Day 37: Genesis 41 (Joseph)

Day 38: Genesis 42 (Joseph)

Day 40: Genesis 44 (Joseph)

Day 41: Genesis 45 (Joseph)

Day 42: Genesis 46 (Joseph)

Day 43: Genesis 47 (Joseph)

Day 44: Genesis 48 (Joseph)

Day 45: Genesis 49 (Joseph)

Day 46: Genesis 50 (Joseph)

Day 47: Exodus 1 (Moses)

Day 48: Exodus 2 (Moses)

Day 49: Exodus 3 (Moses)

Day 50: Exodus 4 (Moses)


Winter Break Challenge: 31 Passages in 31 Days


How to Read the Bible: The SOAP Method